In urmatorul caz putem vedea situatia initiala a unui molar superior, etapele de tratament si situatia cu dintele finalizat. Sa vedem ce se “ascunde” sub fiecare din cele 6 etape de tratament.
The following case presents the initial situation of an upper molar, the phases of the treatment and the final restoration. Lets see what’s “hiding” behind each phase of the treatment.
Imaginea 1: obturatie veche
Image 1: the old filling
Imaginea 2 si 3: dupa indepartarea plombei vechi, se obseva caria, resturi de ciment si materialul infiltrat pe canale cat si prepararea insuficienta a canalelor (la nivelul orificiilor).
Image 2 and 3: after removing the old filling you can see the caries, the infected endodontic material and the incorrect acces of the canals.
Imaginea 4: dupa prepararea cavitatii s-a mai descoperit un canal (cel din centrul imaginii) si astfel s-a reusit un tratament endodontic corect.
Image 4: the correct preparation lead to finding another canal (in the center of the image) so the correct endodontic treatment was performed.
Imaginea 5: aspectul orificiilor canalelor dupa obturarea lor
Image 5: the sealed orifices of the obturated canals
Imaginea 6: restaurarea finala
Image 6: the final restoration.
Rezultatul dorit se obtine respectand protocolul de tratament adecvat.
The final result is obtained by respecting the right treatment protocol.
Dr. Bogdan Fondrea –