Exista aparate ortodontice total invisibile! Se numesc Incognito! Dupa cum vedeti… nu se vad!
There is such a thing as totally invisible orthodontic braces! It is called Incognito! As you can see… you can not see it!
Motivul pentru care am apelat la un tratament ortodontic a fost dorinta de a inchide spatiile ce au fost create de lipsa primului molar (unul superior, si doi inferiori). Alegand un tratament ortodontic nu a fost nevoie de implant, ecomomisind astfel pretul a 3 implanturi si 3 coroane. In plus, pacientul va avea dinti naturali, pe viata, muscatura corecta si estetica dorita.
The reason we chose an ortodontic treatment was the desire to close the gaps created by the missing first molars (one maxilar and two mandibular). By chosing an ortodontic treatment, we didn’t have to insert implants and that resulted in saving the costs of 3 implants and 3 crowns. In addition to this, the pacient will have natural teeth for life, a corrected occlusion and the desired aesthetics.