Uneori este dificil, uneori solutia nu este o albire si o obturatie. Pentru pacientii cu probleme parodontale, cu putini dinti, lucrarea telescopata este solutia ideala.
Sometimes it can get difficult, sometimes the solution is not the whitening of the teeth and a composite filling. For patients with periodontal problems, with few remaining teeth, the telescopic denture is the ideal answer.
Aspectul general este de dorit a fi in armonie cu varsta si viata sociala a pacientului.
The aesthethics should be in harmony with the patient’s age and social life.
In fiecare seara este necesara o igienizare corespunzatoare. Lucrarea se indeparteaza de catre pacient pentru a curata bonturile de zirconiu (cimentate) si tesutul invecinat.
The denture should be removed and cleaned every day, after every meal, not forgetting the zirconium caps and the soft tissue surrounding them.
Asa cum se poate observa, confortul pacientului a fost luat in considerare, realizand o lucrare cat mai mica, fara conectori pe palat.
As the image suggests, the comfort of the patient was taken into consideration, making the denture as small as possible, with no connectors.
Dr. Bogdan Fondrea – www.dentaldesign.ro